Ecological cleanup "Green Spring"
“Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup is the largest environmental and socially significant event in our country. The project has been implemented by the Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation since 2014.
Every year we unite more than 1 million people who participate in various activities aimed at improving the state of the environment, environmental education and landscaping
Итоги Х экологического субботника «Зеленая Весна» 2023

Reviving the traditions of holding spring environmental cleanups throughout the country
Promoting environmental education of the younger generation and the formation of a culture of society living in harmony with nature
- Uniting citizens, organizations and government authorities in protecting the environment from the consequences of negative human activities
- Attracting public attention to the problem of waste management
- Providing practical assistance to the nature around us to create favorable living conditions for current and future generations
All participants of our cleanup work themselves determine the location of the eco-events and the directions of work. It all depends on the needs of the chosen territory, the desires and ideas of the organizers.

- Clearing areas of debris
Promotions for selective collection of household waste and waste paper - Planting flowers and trees
Assistance to specially protected natural areas - Environmental education activities, quests, games
- Arrangement of ecological trails and tourist sites
- Construction and restoration of children's playgrounds and sports grounds
- Restoration and improvement of monuments to WWII participants
Other environmental and socially significant events
This can be your contribution to environmental protection and improving the environmental situation!

Any environmental event organizer can become a participant of the “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup:
- state authorities
- companies and corporations
- public and environmental organizations
- volunteer centers and associations
- preschool, secondary and higher education institutions
- centers for additional education of children and adolescents
- ecological and biological centers
- volunteers
As is tradition, the ceremonial start of the federal environmental marathon takes place at the General Cleanup organized by the Vernadsky Foundation at the end of April at one of the iconic sites of the two capitals.
The event includes an opening ceremony, environmental cleanup, planting trees, shrubs and bushes, music and entertainment programs. The Vernadsky Foundation provides participants with the necessary inventory, merchandise and scope of work.
In 2023, the General Cleanup took place on April 22 in St. Petersburg.
The Contest is held within the “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup in order to promote environmental practices and initiatives and popularize eco-volunteering through social networks and the media.
Anyone can participate in the Contest, of any age, gender, profession and region of residence.
- “Green Spring in Focus”
- “The Best Video”
- “Green Line”
The work can be individual or team.
- read the Contest rules and regulations
- Send your work to the Contest Organizing Committee
The participants of the “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup to use the logo of the project when conducting their activities and events.
Registered participants have the right to apply for free branded merchandise with the logo of the “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup.
The Organizing Committee sends merchandise to the event organizers selectively, at Committee’s discretion. The amount and set of merchandise are determined by the Organizing Committee.
Mailing is carried out by Russian Post at the expense of the Vernadsky Foundation at the address specified during the registration.
You can also download “Green Spring” logo as graphic files so as to use it during the cleanup events.
We do not leave environmental initiatives unnoticed. Since 2014, the Vernadsky Foundation has awarded more than 900 organizers of environmental and socially significant events, including the municipal administrations, municipalities and rural settlements, as well as regional environmental authorities, public organizations and educational institutions, ecovolunteers.
By tradition, the awards ceremony takes place on June 5 as part of the “Green Festival” festive event organized by the Vernadsky Foundation on the occasion of Ecologist Day and World Environment Day.
Organizational issues:
Gennady Marunov, project coordinator
+7 (495) 953 72 77
Anna Grigorieva, media relations
+7 (495) 953 73 49
RUSSIA 24, NEWS: “Green Spring” in Russia
NTV, TODAY: “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup is under way in Russia
MOSCOW 24: Nationwide “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup has been launched in Moscow
RUSSIA 24, NEWS: On April 29, Russia-wide “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup was held in all towns of Russia
PUBLIC TELEVISION OF RUSSIA: Results of the All-Russian “Green Spring”
RUSSIA 24: “Green Spring 2018” has been launched at Sokolniki Park
360 CHANNEL: “Green Spring 2018” has been launched at Sokolniki Park
RUSSIAN RAILWAYS TV: Russian Railways is participating in the “Green Spring”
360 CHANNEL: Sokolniki Park became a venue for the 5th All-Russian “Green Spring” Environmental Cleanup
- 33 million saplings of trees and shrubs planted
- 415 000 tons of waste collected and disposed of
- 66 500 hectares of territories cleared of waste
- 97 500 illegal dumps eliminated
- 11 150 tons of recyclable materials collected and transferred for processing
- 4 900 WWII monuments and mass graves beautified
- 8 500 playgrounds painted, repaired and restored
- 4 500 picnic areas and campsites put in order
Regulations and logos
List of winners
“Green Spring 2022 in Focus” nomination category
- Kindergarten No. 7 for Children’s Social and Personal Development (Novozybkov, Bryansk Region)
- “Teremok” Kindergarten No. 13 (Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory)
“Green Line” nomination category
- Kamyshin Children’s Centre for Children without Parental Care (Kamyshin, Volgograd Region)
- Kindergarten No. 8 (Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh Region)
“The Best Video” nomination category
- “Russian Railways” Kindergarten No. 62 (Kursk, Kursk Region)
- "Modification and Development" Scientific and Practical Centre for Children’s Rehabilitation (Astrakhan, Astrakhan Region)