They form communities of environmentally active youth in the region around themselves, inspiring peers and adults to participate in solving pressing environmental problems of our country.
Ecological and educational project “EcoLeader School”
“Eco-Leader School” Project is aimed at identifying and training high school students who are able to create their own environmental projects, unite people around themselves, generate and implement new ideas.
In 2021, the V.I. Foundation Vernadsky conducted the first session of an environmental education project for teenagers. Over the two years of the School’s existence, more than 200 young ecologists took part in the educational program. The project finalists included 24 environmental leaders who are implementing their own environmental projects at the municipal, regional and federal levels.

Self-motivated young people aged 14-18 with leadership traits, who are interested in ecology and have experience in environmental activities or their own environmental projects under development, are welcome to participate in the “Eco-Leader School”.
Educators are also invited as the Project participants’ mentors, listeners at the theoretical stage and attendants at the practical stage of the Project.
The program of the project "Eco-Leader School" – 2023 includes:
- theoretical training of participants in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development via online webinars;
- practical work on mastering the project management skills on the basis of the Educational and Scientific Center "Oecumene", the Kamchatka Peninsula;
- implementation of own environmental projects with the support of the Vernadsky Foundation experts.
“EcoLeader School” is an accelerator of youth environmental projects:
- Strategic planning of turning an idea into a successful project.
- A community of like-minded people for sharing experiences and creating their own environmental project.
- Networking. Interaction with leading experts, opinion leaders in the field of ecology and nature management, heads of educational and environmental organizations.
- Resources. Attraction of support from educational organizations, municipal authorities, non-profit organizations, and businesses.
- Mentoring. Regular feedback and recommendations from the program presenter and key experts.
- Scaling up. Assistance with the project’s promotion and development.
Contact information
Elena Khmara, Project Coordinator
+7 (495) 953 74 65